Improving Access to AT for Students with Disabilities - Free for COPAA Members & Registered Guests
Parents, students, educators, and advocates participating in IEP meetings have a new resource to improve access to assistive technology (AT) for students with disabilities. With January 2024 federal guidance as the primary resource, this webinar will highlight new clarifications, discuss the myths and facts of providing AT to students with disabilities under IDEA, and provide new IEP-ready resources to help ensure students can fully access and benefit from their AT.
The guidance can be found in the learning path and at the following link: https://sites.ed.gov/idea/idea...

Laura Kaloi
Consulting Federal Policy Advisor
Laura Kaloi, MPA - With over twenty-five years of DC-based experience, she is an accomplished public affairs executive with keen interest and demonstrated results in Prek-16 education and health policy. Laura creates partnerships, alliances and opportunities for clients to expand and strengthen their policy prowess, funding capacity, leadership, visibility and organizational effectiveness on key priorities. Laura has worked for health and education-focused nonprofit organizations as a senior executive as well as the private sector. As a nationally recognized policy expert and child advocate, she has led and consulted on successful initiatives with the U.S. Congress, federal agencies, and with the White House. Throughout her career, she has successfully influenced PreK-16 education, career and technical education, disability and workforce laws. With a focus on vulnerable children and adults, Laura is recognized for her policy and advocacy successes in early learning, early literacy, education assessments and accountability, elementary and secondary education. Laura is a published writer and enjoys public speaking, especially when she is training new advocates to find the power of their story. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Utah and a Master in Public Administration from Brigham Young University, Romney Institute of Public Management where she currently advises MPA candidates and serves on the Executive Advisory Board. Laura is a volunteer mentor to young women ages 12-18, proud public high school varsity basketball parent, avid reader and especially loves to harangue her family into watching musicals.