Learning Center

Online Special Education Advocate Training (SEAT) Classes

COPAA is proud to conduct two SEAT TM courses: SEAT 1.0 (beginner-level) and SEAT 2.0 (intermediate-level) to help grow the field of effective and knowledgeable non-attorney special education advocates. A certificate of completion is provided at the conclusion of each SEAT class for students who have successfully completed the coursework. All COPAA courses are designed utilizing universal design principals, as we have a deep commitment to equity and student success. If you want to discuss ADA accommodations prior to registering to a class, please click here to email us. 

General Policies for SEAT

ScholarshipsA limited number of qualified individuals whose family income is at or below 2 x the federal poverty level or who have extenuating circumstances may apply for a COPAA training registration fee discount. SEAT scholarships cover 80% of the course costs.   After you register for the class (select pay by check when you get to the payment portion of the registration),  immediately send your scholarship request with proof that you meet the poverty guidelines (i.e. the first two pages of your federal tax return) to learningcenter@copaa.org. Requests are considered on first come basis. After receiving your scholarship documents, a COPAA Representative will contact you to confirm eligibility and availability of the scholarships.  Click here for current the Federal Guidelines. Only students who are registered to the course are considered for a scholarship. 

Registration Policy:  Per COPAA bylaws, any individual who currently receives more than 50% of their income from state, local, or, in the case of an attorney, who has represented such an agency or school district within the past five years, shall not be permitted to register or attend a COPAA educational event unless a formal exception is granted. Click here for more information regarding membership, guest membership and for the full eligibility policy.


Special Education Advocate Training (SEAT)TM 1.0 Credential is a 100% online ten-session course for parents and new advocates beginning their journey to become a non-attorney special education advocate. The January 2025 class is full and the waitlist is closed. The next class will be held in August and registration is in May. Coming Soon

Parent Training and Information Centers, disability rights nonprofit organizations, and advocacy organizations enroll their employees in this class because it provides a strong foundation in non-attorney special education advocacy. We also train parents from across the country.  

Audience: We recommend starting with SEAT 1.0 if you have fewer than two years of experience as a non-attorney special education advocate (advocating for your child or working within a school district does not count towards those two years of experience). No experience is required prior to registering for SEAT 1.0. 

Class Format: The class includes live Q&A, interactive activities, one open book midterm, one written assignment, and several forum activities. Every student is assigned a Teaching Assistant (TA) who provides personalized feedback on assignments and is available to answer clarifying questions in between class sessions. Classes are recorded and course materials are provided in advance (PDFs of the PPT used in a recording or live session, handouts, videos, etc.) to support student understanding and engagement.  Please expect 4-5 hours of work a week (including class time). If that doesn't work with your current schedule, please check the Learning Center for different training opportunities (including on-demand learning paths).

Topics Covered: Education is a Civil Right, Section 504 & ADA To Advocate For Student Rights, What Makes Special Education Special (review of specially designed instruction, SST, RTI, MTSS, difference between accommodations and modifications), Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), The IEP Process, Tests and Measurements,  The IEP Document and Special Education Services, Written Communication in Advocacy, Managing The IEP Conversation, and Issue Spotting and Researching Legal Issues.

Calendar: SEAT 1.0 is held in January (registration is in November), August (registration is in May), and October (registration is in August) annually. The class is 10 sessions in length, held once a week.

Registration, Class Dates, & Cost: SEAT 1.0 is held multiple times a year. If you are COPAA member or registered guest, you will receive a registration email when registration opens. Please note SEAT 1.0 is a popular class and fills up very quickly. You will want to register as soon as registration opens. The cost of the class is $775 for members and $900 for guests.

Cancellation Policy: If you are not accepted into the class, students receive a full refund. More specific cancelation policies are provided when registration opens. 


Special Education Advocate Training (SEAT) 2.0 Credential a 100% online. 27-session course with a 40-hour practicum. It is a nationally developed and recognized course that provides participants with intermediate-level training to deepen the knowledge and skills of practicing non-attorney special education advocates. The application for SEAT 2.0 October 2024 - May 2025 cohort is now closed! There is no cost to apply, once accepted the the class cost is $2300 for COPAA members and $2500 for registered guests. You will be charged 30% to hold your spot upon acceptance and the remainder of the balance is charged in September. We offer the class once a year, so the next class will be offered October of 2025.In the meantime, we suggest taking our Effective Written Communication Technique Learning Path in our Learning Center (learn.copaa.org)

  Coming Soon

Parent Training and Information Centers, disability rights organizations, and advocacy organizations enroll their more experienced advocates in this course because there is no other training in the field as in-depth. We also train advocates from across the country who run their own non-attorney advocacy business. 

Audience: The class is at the intermediate-level (at least two years of experience as a non-attorney special education advocate paid or unpaid is highly recommended). There is an application process for the class, it is not first-come, first serve), knowledge and familiarity with IDEA and other applicable laws is expected, and prior training (SEAT 1.0 or similar) is strongly encouraged. 

Class Format: There are 13 assignments, including one capstone project, and one open-book midterm. The class features live Q&A with instructors, optional live TA Q&A, each student is assigned a TA for personalized feedback on assignments and clarifying questions outside of class time.  Classes are recorded so you can view them more than once and course materials are provided in advance (PDFs of the PPT used in a recording or live session, handouts, videos, etc. that assist students to engage and understand the session's materials).

Topics Covered:  Click here to review the core competencies the course will coverIf you want to learn more about the history of the course development, please click here

Registration, Class Dates, & Cost: SEAT 2.0 will be held once a week on Fridays from October - May. The class is held once a year and is 27 sessions in length. The time of the class is from 12:30 PM ET - 2:30 PM ET / 9:30 AM PT - 11:30 AM PT. The cost of the class is $2350 for COPAA members and $2500 for guests. Cancelation information is provided during registration.