Learning Center

The Business of Special Education Advocacy


The Business of Special Education Advocacy is a 5-session class for advocates who are starting a nonprofit or for-profit advocacy business. The focus is on the practical issues of business formation and operation, this class does not teach how to advocate. 

 All COPAA courses are designed utilizing universal design principals, as we have a deep commitment to equity and student success. If you want to discuss ADA accommodations prior to registering to a class, please click here to email us. 

Audience: The class is designed for students who successfully completed SEAT 2.0 and are ready to start their business / nonprofit or have experience/training as an advocate and want to refine their business model. 

Topics Covered: Legal Structure, Business Plans, Billing Structure, Client Intake, Operations, Marketing, Difficult Situations - all taught by experienced non-attorney special education advocates and nonprofit professionals with the lens of running an advocacy business or nonprofit. 

Class Dates: The live online class dates and times are as follows for the 2024 class: July 10, 17, 24, 31, Aug 7 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm ET. Live online attendance is encouraged, but not required (all classes are recorded).

Registration:   If you are COPAA member or registered guest, you will receive a registration email when registration opens with a registration link. The next class will be offered July 2025. The July 2024 class is closed.     Coming Soon

Format: The class is a self-paced course with a certificate of attendance at the end. You can join the classes live or watch the recordings. There are recommended assignments and the opportunity to turn in a business plan for feedback at the end of the course. Each student is assigned a Teacher Assistant (TA) for personalized feedback on the business plan and for Q&A sessions in between class times. The curriculum draws on the experience of advocates who have started their own for profit or nonprofit business, and reviews the challenges, concerns and solutions that they developed.  The class addresses issues generally, as the laws that impact business operations differ among localities, include unique business development and marketing strategies. 

Cancelation policy: If you cancel your registration before or on June 16, 2024, you will receive a 70% refund. No refund will be provided if you cancel after June 17, 2024.

Cost: The cost of the class is $450 for COPAA members, and $600 for registered guests. 

 Scholarship Discount
A limited number of qualified individuals whose family income is at or below 2 x the federal poverty level or who have extenuating circumstances may apply for a SEAT registration fee discount. The discounted tuition is 30% of full tuition rate.

Requests will be considered on first come basis. To apply for consideration you must complete the online application for SEAT, note in the comments box you are applying for a scholarship and select pay by check to complete without payment. Then send a letter of request with proof that you meet the poverty guidelines (i.e. the first two pages of your federal tax return) to  copaa@copaa.org.

A COPAA Representative will contact you to confirm eligibility and availability. Click here for current Federal Guidelines

Registration Policy
Registration and attendance to COPAA educational events is NOT open to anyone who is not a member of COPAA OR does not meet eligibility. Any individual who currently receives more than 50% of his/her income from state, local, or, in the case of an attorney, who has represented such an agency or school district within the past five years, shall not be permitted to register or attend a COPAA educational event unless a formal exception is granted by the Executive Director of COPAA.  Click here to apply for an exception.