Special Education Law & Related Services Online Training for Attorneys

COPAA is pleased to offer a 12-session online course for attorneys new to special education law or current law students.
The training reviews legislated and litigated requirements for special education and related services for students who have disabilities. It is intended as an introductory skill-building course for attorneys new to the practice of special education law.
Participants explore in-depth federal law and case law and the importance of securing appropriate services and supports for students with disabilities. The course includes reading and written assignments outside of the interactive live class. Students receive personalized feedback on their assignments.
CLE Credits: Please note that participants are eligible for up to 24 hours of CLE Credits when completing course requirements. You should expect to spend 2-4 hours per week in addition to the live class on readings and assignments.
Course Cost: $1295 Members | Guest Members: $1595
Time & Date: The class is held in September- December every year from 4:30 - 6:30 PM ET on Thursdays (12 class sessions). The 2024 class is now closed. The next class will be in September of 2025.
Course Objectives: At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
* Demonstrate an awareness of the primary federal laws enacted after the early 1960s that continue to have an effect on special education and other services for persons with disabilities.
* List and describe the major features of the most important judicial decisions that deal with the educational rights of students with disabilities and their families.
* Demonstrate a working knowledge of the major requirements placed on the delivery of special education services by Federal (34 CFR 300) special education regulations.
* Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of case law and its application to the following areas of importance: such as (1) evaluation and assessment, (2) discipline/suspension/expulsion, (3) extended school year services, (4) least restrictive environment, (5) the definition of an "appropriate education,” (6) child find, (7) Individualized Education Program requirements; (8) related services (9) stay put/pendency (10) compensatory education (11) residential placement/private school placement (12) state complaint process.
Lead Instructor: Selene A. Almazan, Esq.
Instructor Bios can be found in the course catalog.
Textbook: Weber, M. (2021). Special Education Law: Cases and Materials (5th Edition). North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press. Click here for a link to purchase the book.
Cancellation Policy: For cancellation policy, please see the course details in the registration.
Eligibility: Registration and attendance to COPAA educational events is open to anyone who is a member of COPAA OR meets membership eligibility requirements. Any individual who currently receives more than 50% of his/her income from state, local, or, in the case of an attorney, who has represented such an agency or school district within the past five years, must submit a request and be approved by Executive Director of COPAA. (Click here for more information regarding membership, guest membership and for the full eligibility policy).
If you are a licensed attorney, but currently have a different COPAA membership type, contact us to convert your membership type. Remember, you must already be a member or be eligible for COPAA membership (if you choose to register as a guest/nonmember).
Scholarship Discount:
A limited number of qualified individuals whose family income is at or below the federal poverty level or have extenuating circumstances may apply for a course registration fee discount. Attorneys and students with a demonstrated hardship are eligible to apply. You must send a letter of request with proof that you meet the poverty guidelines (i.e., the first two pages of your federal tax return) to c@copaa.org. A COPAA Representative will contact you to confirm eligibility and availability. Attorneys who qualify will receive a 50% price reduction for the course.
Click here for the Federal Guidelines.
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