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Contains 12 Component(s) Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 03/18/2025 at 12:00 PM (EDT)
Join us for this monthly session to welcome new members to the COPAA community and provide an overview of your membership. We review the website functionally, explain how to access key resources and of course, questions and answers. Learn how to make the most of your COPAA membership! If you do not yet have a COPAA membership, please first apply here (https://www.copaa.org/page/joinus). Once approved, you will be able to register!
Join us for this monthly session to welcome new members to the COPAA community and provide an overview of your membership. We review the website functionally, explain how to access key resources and of course, questions and answers. Learn how to make the most of your COPAA membership!
If you do not yet have a COPAA membership, please first apply here. Once approved, you will be able to register!
Contains 17 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 03/17/2025 at 6:00 PM (EDT)
COPAA Parent Committee Co-Chairs, Missy Alexander and Theresa Sester, are facilitating a Parent Member meeting to gain insight on what parents hope to gain from their COPAA membership, provide information on the Parent Committee, notify parent members where to submit feedback for upcoming Parent Committee events and resources, review what resources are available to COPAA parent members, and more!
COPAA Parent Committee Co-Chairs, Missy Alexander and Theresa Sester, are facilitating a Parent Member meeting to gain insight on what parents hope to gain from their COPAA membership, provide information on the Parent Committee, notify parent members where to submit feedback for upcoming Parent Committee events and resources, review what resources are available to COPAA parent members, and more!
If you need ADA accommodations outside of captions (which are always provided), please email learningcenter@copaa.org
Missy Alexander
Director of Education, Parents' Place Maryland and COPAA Board Member
Parents' Place Maryland and COPAA Board Member
Missy Alexander is the Director of Education at The Parents’ Place of Maryland, has been with the organization since 2002. She is the mother of an adult daughter with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, who was educated in the St. Mary’s County Public Schools for her entire academic career. She is the Co-Chair of the St. Mary’s County Local Management Board, serving as a community member. She is an active member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA), serving on its Board of Directors where she was the first advocate to serve as Board Chair. Missy’s approach in working with families is driven by the firm belief that parents are the best advocates for their children, and she provides them with the information, support and encouragement to empower them to do so.
Theresa Sester
Advocate & Parent Committee Co-Chair
Advocacy Office of Theresa Sester (AOTS) Group
Theresa Sester, a mother of three, including one child with Autism and another with ADHD, has firsthand experience navigating the California public school system. She specializes in a broad range of services, from advocacy and dispute resolution to vocational planning for young adults. Theresa's deep understanding of federal and state laws enables her to bridge the achievement gap, ensuring that children with special needs receive appropriate educational programs and services. She actively participates in IEP meetings, reviews evaluations, and, when necessary, advocates for additional assessments. Theresa also excels in facilitating positive relationships between families and school districts, offering parent coaching and linking families with essential community resources. Her comprehensive approach and dedication to advocacy make her an invaluable asset to parents navigating the special education system. Beyond her advocacy, Theresa is an active member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) and serves as the Co-Chair on the Parent Committee.
Contains 2 Component(s)
What's Happening in Washington, DC - Free for COPAA Members & Registered Guests
What's Happening in Washington, DC
Laura Kaloi
Consulting Federal Policy Advisor
Laura Kaloi, MPA - With over twenty-five years of DC-based experience, she is an accomplished public affairs executive with keen interest and demonstrated results in Prek-16 education and health policy. Laura creates partnerships, alliances and opportunities for clients to expand and strengthen their policy prowess, funding capacity, leadership, visibility and organizational effectiveness on key priorities. Laura has worked for health and education-focused nonprofit organizations as a senior executive as well as the private sector. As a nationally recognized policy expert and child advocate, she has led and consulted on successful initiatives with the U.S. Congress, federal agencies, and with the White House. Throughout her career, she has successfully influenced PreK-16 education, career and technical education, disability and workforce laws. With a focus on vulnerable children and adults, Laura is recognized for her policy and advocacy successes in early learning, early literacy, education assessments and accountability, elementary and secondary education. Laura is a published writer and enjoys public speaking, especially when she is training new advocates to find the power of their story. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Utah and a Master in Public Administration from Brigham Young University, Romney Institute of Public Management where she currently advises MPA candidates and serves on the Executive Advisory Board. Laura is a volunteer mentor to young women ages 12-18, proud public high school varsity basketball parent, avid reader and especially loves to harangue her family into watching musicals.
Contains 3 Component(s)
Parents, students, educators, and advocates participating in IEP meetings have a new resource to improve access to assistive technology (AT) for students with disabilities. With January 2024 federal guidance as the primary resource, this session will highlight new clarifications, discuss the myths and facts of providing AT to students with disabilities under IDEA, and provide new IEP-ready resources to help ensure students can fully access and benefit from their AT.
Parents, students, educators, and advocates participating in IEP meetings have a new resource to improve access to assistive technology (AT) for students with disabilities. With January 2024 federal guidance as the primary resource, this webinar will highlight new clarifications, discuss the myths and facts of providing AT to students with disabilities under IDEA, and provide new IEP-ready resources to help ensure students can fully access and benefit from their AT.
The guidance can be found in the learning path and at the following link: https://sites.ed.gov/idea/idea...
Laura Kaloi
Consulting Federal Policy Advisor
Laura Kaloi, MPA - With over twenty-five years of DC-based experience, she is an accomplished public affairs executive with keen interest and demonstrated results in Prek-16 education and health policy. Laura creates partnerships, alliances and opportunities for clients to expand and strengthen their policy prowess, funding capacity, leadership, visibility and organizational effectiveness on key priorities. Laura has worked for health and education-focused nonprofit organizations as a senior executive as well as the private sector. As a nationally recognized policy expert and child advocate, she has led and consulted on successful initiatives with the U.S. Congress, federal agencies, and with the White House. Throughout her career, she has successfully influenced PreK-16 education, career and technical education, disability and workforce laws. With a focus on vulnerable children and adults, Laura is recognized for her policy and advocacy successes in early learning, early literacy, education assessments and accountability, elementary and secondary education. Laura is a published writer and enjoys public speaking, especially when she is training new advocates to find the power of their story. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Utah and a Master in Public Administration from Brigham Young University, Romney Institute of Public Management where she currently advises MPA candidates and serves on the Executive Advisory Board. Laura is a volunteer mentor to young women ages 12-18, proud public high school varsity basketball parent, avid reader and especially loves to harangue her family into watching musicals.
Contains 8 Component(s)
A Look at the Rapidly Evolving State and Local Policy Landscape and Issues That Impact Students with Disabilities 2024 COPAA Conference, Webinar, slide deck, and white paper Legislative Advocacy A Road Map to Effectively Passing Legislation In Your State 2023 COPAA Conference Webinar, slide deck, and white paper ***Bonus Materials*** We added a white paper and slide deck from the 2022 conference on Lobbying Your State Legislature. Please note we do not have a recording of this session
This learning path includes two webinars, the slide decks used in the presentation, and the white papers for each session.
A Look at the Rapidly Evolving State and Local Policy Landscape and Issues That Impact Students with Disabilities
2024 COPAA Conference
With a shift in policymaking power to state legislatures and local boards of education, it is important to understand the rapidly evolving state and local policy education landscape and how it impacts students with disabilities. This session examines that shift as well as key policies that affect these students while preparing attendees to engage in needed dialogue and advocacyWebinar, slide deck, and white paper
Legislative Advocacy A Road Map to Effectively Passing Legislation In Your State
2023 COPAA Conference
Whether it is on the state or federal level most of us find advocating for legislative change a daunting and frustrating endeavor. This session takes you through the steps that a bill must go through to become law. The case studies that are being presented in this presentation originate from arguably the most conservative legislature in the country in the state of Texas. One of the unique things about the Texas Legislative session is that it meets every two years for 140 days. Since 1991, an average of 5543 bills are filed each legislative session. With 140 days to pass a bill it is not a surprise that most bills never receive passage let alone ever receive a hearing. This is particularly true if there is any opposition to a bill. The presenters in this session were able to get two groundbreaking bills through the Texas Legislature that had significant organized opposition to the bills. It is the sincere belief of the presenters that if you can get bills passed in the minefields of the Texas legislature, it can be done anywhere. Our presenters provide a road map to duplicate their successes in your state.Webinar, slide deck, and white paper
***Bonus Materials***
We added a white paper and slide deck from the 2022 conference on Lobbying Your State Legislature. Please note we do not have a recording of this session.Andrew Feinstein, Esq.
Attorney & COPAA Board Member
Feinstein Education Law Group & COPAA
Andrew Feinstein, Esq. (Connecticut) - Andrew has represented children with disabilities as an attorney for the past 20 years. For the past eight years, he has practiced out of Mystic, Connecticut. He now has an office in Manchester, Connecticut, as well, with two lawyers in it. He co-chairs the Governmental Affairs Committee of COPAA and is an adjunct professor in the School of Education of both Central Connecticut State University and Southern Connecticut State University. Attorney Feinstein was graduated from Wesleyan University in 1972 and the New York University School of Law in 1975. He completed the Senior Manager in Government Program at the Kennedy School, Harvard University, in 1983. He has served as a professional staff member of the House Committee on Armed Services and Chief Counsel of the House Civil Service Subcommittee.
Chris Roe
Director of State Policy (COPAA)
Chris Roe serves as Director of State Policy for the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates. In this role, he supports COPAA members in advocating for policies that support students with disabilities at the state and local levels. In addition, Roe currently serves as the co-chair of the Special Education Advisory Council for New Orleans Public Schools and co-founded Sunshine Parents, an advocacy and support group that empowers parents and guardians of students with disabilities to successfully advocate for their students at the school and district level. Roe is also the founder and President of EnAbled Learning Partners, which supports families, organizations and agencies in strengthening special education programs and policy. Roe received his Master’s of Public Policy from the University of California-Berkeley Goldman School of Public Policy and his B.S. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Roe lives in New Orleans, Louisiana where he and his husband are raising two young boys, both of whom attend public schools and have a range of learning disabilities.
Edgar Pacheco, Jr.
Special Education Advocate and Parent Liaison
National ARD/IEP Advocates
Edgar Pacheco, Jr. serves as both a special education advocate and a parent liaison who shares his skill as a staff interpreter with National ARD/IEP Advocates and translator. A native of Brownsville, Texas, Edgar experienced firsthand the difficulties faced by students with disabilities in the Texas Valley's public schools. Undaunted, Edgar ran for a position on the Pearland Independent School District Board of Trustees in the 2020 election and garnered 7.511 votes. He has been a delegate for the Texas State Republican Convention and a National Alternate Delegate to the 2020 Republican National Convention. During the 2021 87th Regular Session of the Texas State Legislature, whipped the vote for HB 1252-a bill to extend the statute of limitations for special education due process hearings from one to two years. It should be noted that prior to Edgar's efforts the statute of limitations had been one year since 2004. Thanks to Edgar's relentless advocacy the Texas Legislature changed the statute of limitation from one to two years and renamed the bill The Edgar Pacheco Jr. Act and the Governor signed the bill into law in June of 2021. A graduate of Pearland High School the year before the COVID-19 pandemic, Edgar earned his associates degree from San Jacinto College in 2021 and is currently a student at University of Houston/Clear Lake pursuing a BA in Public Service Leadership.
Louis Gergerman
National ARD/IEP Advocates & COPAA Member
Mr. Louis H. Geigerman has been a professional advocate since 1995 when he founded National ARD/IEP Advocates. In late 2006 he founded College Disability Advocates in order to assist college students with special needs in acquiring reasonable accommodations from their educational institutions. In the fall of 2007 he became a part-time paralegal with the Philpot Law Office, P.C. He has logged over 7500 hours in IEP and Section 504 meetings, over 400 hours in mediations and resolution sessions and over 500 hours in due process hearings.
He is a charter member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) and the Texas Organization of Parents Attorneys and Advocates (TOPAA). He has attended numerous training opportunities in special education law conducted by COPAA, The ARC, Advocacy Inc. and the Learning Disabilities Association of Texas. He has spoken to a number of groups regarding special education services including, The ARC of Houston, The Texas State Autism Conference, The Council of Parents, Attorneys and Advocates ( COPAA), The Learning Disabilities Association of Fort Bend County, Future Horizons the Houston Young Lawyers Association and The Northwest Houston Chapter of the Autism Society of America. He was also active in lobbying efforts for the 2004 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
In the summer of 2007, he was featured in a chapter on advocacy in the newly released book by Scott Teel, Defending and Parenting Children Who Learn Differently: Lessons from Edison's Mother for Praeger Publishers. In 2014 he helped establish an annual endowed lecture series entitled "The Benjamin J. Geigerman Lecture through the University Of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. In 2015 he assisted in the successful effort in passing legislation in the Texas Legislature to mandate the installation of surveillance cameras in the self-contained special needs classrooms. He is a past president of The Sean Ashley House, and a former board member of the Greater Houston Chapter of the Autism Society of America and The Texas Organization of Parents, Attorneys and Advocates. He has been an adviser for a continuing series of reports on KRIV-TV Fox 26 in Houston regarding special education and the public schools.
In March of 2020, he was named a recipient of the 2020 Diane Lipton Award for "Outstanding Educational Advocacy on behalf of Children with Disabilities" by the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Inc. at the organization's national conference in Baltimore, Maryland. He is the proud father of Benjamin that passed away in July of 2011 and a daughter Kayla who is employed in the marketing division of a major cybersecurity company.
Contains 8 Component(s)
The School Avoidance Learning Path includes two webinars, with accompanying slide decks and white papers.
The School Avoidance Learning Path includes two webinars, with accompanying slide decks and white papers.
1.4 "We Can't Help You if You Aren't Here": Advocacy Strategies for Supporting Students Struggling with School Attendance
2024 Conference Recording
Slide deck and white paper included2.5 Advocating for Students Exhibiting School Avoidance
2023 Conference Recording
Slide deck and white paper included -
Contains 10 Component(s)
Analyzing Evaluations and Securing IEEs Learning Path includes 3 webinars and their associated materials. * IEEs in the Trenches Common Conflicts with LEAs 2023 Conference Recording * Interpreting Psycho-Educational Evaluations 2024 Conference Recording * Putting Feet on the IEP: Implementation, Fidelity Data, and Progress Monitoring Webinar 2017 Webinar Recording
The Analyzing Evaluations and Securing IEEs Learning Pathincludes 3 webinars and their associated materials.
* IEEs in the Trenches Common Conflicts with LEAs 2023 Conference Recording
* Interpreting Psycho-Educational Evaluations 2024 Conference Recording
* Putting Feet on the IEP: Implementation, Fidelity Data, and Progress Monitoring Webinar 2017 Webinar Recording
Cheri Belkowitz, Esq.
Managing Member & Founder
Belkowitz Law, PLLC.
Cheri Belkowitz is the Managing Member and founder of Belkowitz Law, PLLC. She is an education attorney who practices throughout Virginia and in Washington, D.C. Cheri is a zealous advocate for children with disabilities and their families in all school-related matters. She represents families in special education law matters arising under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Cheri is active in the special needs community, and she served four terms as Chair of the Fairfax County Public Schools Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (a school district with approximately 28,000 students with disabilities). She also served as a member of the Fairfax Equity Stakeholders Committee and as a Director on the Board of The Arc of Northern Virginia. Cheri is presently the Vice-Chair of the Fairfax County Police Civilian Review Panel, and she currently serves on the Board of the Fairfax Special Education PTA (“SEPTA”). Among other recognitions, Cheri received the JCC of Northern Virginia (“JCCNV”) Finkelstein Award for her service, leadership, and program development in the special needs community and the SEPTA “Community Champion Award” in 2020 for her exceptional commitment to the special needs community in the public schools. In 2022, Cheri received the SEPTA “Genie” Award for her outstanding educational programming for the special needs community.
Cheri is a sought-after presenter, and she speaks multiple times a year on various topics related to special education, including special education for military families. Cheri was invited by the Secretary of the Air Force as a civic leader to participate in the National Security Forum at Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, to share perspectives with senior military officers on strategic leadership, national security, and global security. Cheri has presented on various topics, and she has presented many times for military families, JAG attorneys, and other professionals by speaking at COPAA Conferences, at Exceptional Family Member Program ("EFMP") events, as a faculty member in the PELE Clinic’s Military Boot Camp through William and Mary Law School, and as a presenter for the American Bar Association. Most recently, she served on the faculty at the 78th Annual Legal Assistance Course at the Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School where she taught special education law to JAG attorneys from all military branches.
Cheri graduated cum laude from Brandeis University, and she earned her Juris Doctor, magna cum laude, from Syracuse University College of Law. Cheri served as Notes and Comments Editor of The Syracuse Law Review and was a member of the Justinian Honorary Law Society. At graduation from law school, Cheri was awarded the Dean’s Most Outstanding Contribution Award. Cheri grew up in Livingston, New Jersey, and she currently lives in Fairfax Station, Virginia. She and her husband, Harold, have three children.Melissa K. Waugh, JD, MPH
Belkowitz Law, PLLC
Melissa K. Waugh (she/her/hers) is a skilled attorney in practice for over twenty years. She has practiced special education law for the last thirteen years. Melissa represents parents at IEP meetings, in mediation, with state and federal complaints, in due process hearings, and in federal and state litigation. Her representation includes matters arising under the IDEA, the ADA, Section 504, and Title IX. Melissa graduated cum laude from the University of North Texas with a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree with a focus in biology, chemistry, and physics. Melissa received her Juris Doctor degree, cum laude, from the University of Houston Law Center in 2000. While attending law school, Melissa served on the Houston Journal of International Law as Articles Editor, the Student Bar Association as 1st Vice President & Section Representative, the Honor Court as a Justice, the Health Law Organization, and the Public Interest Law Organization. She also won first place in the Tom Newhouse Mediation Competition. Melissa also holds a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Texas-Health Science Center. Melissa and her husband, Lt. Col. Bryan "Marty" Waugh (Ret.), are the parents of two amazing children who happen to have special needs. After adopting their children from foster care in 2010 and being exposed for the first time to special education and IEPs, Melissa quickly realized how complicated this area of the law is and the dire need for more attorneys representing the interests of parents of children with disabilities in our schools. Melissa started her own law firm to assist families of children with disabilities and has served as a Guardian ad Litem for children in court. She joined Belkowitz Law, PLLC in 2018. Melissa regularly presents to parent and professional groups and has served as faculty for COPAA, the Institute for Special Education Advocacy at William & Mary Law School, VPLC Annual Statewide Legal Aid Conference, the University of Richmond School of Law Special Education Symposium, and the National Business Institute. She is a long-time member of COPAA, and a member of the Special Education Advisory Committee (“SEAC”) for Loudoun County Public Schools. Melissa is licensed to practice law in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.
Dr. Diana Naddeo
Clinical Psychologist
Newtown Center for Assessment and Psychotherapy
Dr. Diana Naddeo is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Dedicated to seeing “the whole child,” she takes a special interest in pediatric psychological assessments that focus on emotions, personality, learning, and behavior. She integrates all of this information to understand her patients in a culturally sensitive manner.
Dr. Naddeo is well versed in psychiatric diagnosis, educational assessment and a wide range of treatment approaches, using this information to create a useful and effective plan for patients and their families. She also values the relationship between herself and her patients, and strives to create a warm, accepting and easy-going atmosphere while also emphasizing the need to undo old patterns of behavior that are barriers to healthy fun
Stacey Tié
Law Offices of Laura A. Heneghan, LLC
Stacey Tié is a professional Non-Attorney Special Education Advocate at the Law Office of Laura Heneghan, LLC. Stacey has been practicing Advocacy professionally since 2019. She has completed coursework related to special education advocacy through the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) Special Education Advocacy Training (SEAT) 2.0. She also completed Wrightslaw’s Special Education Law & Advocacy Training. Stacey received her certification in Mental Health First Aid USA through the National Council of Behavior Health. She has completed 60+hours of training in Orton Gillingham. She is a member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA). Stacey has an associate’s degree in Theater from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy and a Bachelor in Business Finance from Pace University.
Sandy Shove
Special Education Advocate
CA Special Needs Law Group
Sandra Dixon Shove is a former elementary educator, a non-attorney special education advocate in private practice, and a longtime Autism Society affiliate leader.
She has 12 years of experience teaching, 13 years advocating for children with a variety of disabilities, and more than 14 years supporting and mentoring parents, as well as developing and presenting community awareness programs countywide as an Autism Society leader.
Dr. Ann Simun
Neuropsychologist & COPAA Instructor
Simun Psychological Assessment Group & COPAA
Ann Simun, Psy.D. has been working professionally with children with learning and behavioral challenges since 1989. She is a licensed psychologist (PSY20113), with a specialization in neuropsychology. She is also a credentialed and experienced School Counselor, School Psychologist, and Licensed Educational Psychologist, making her eligible to conduct IEEs for school district matters.
Dr. Simun is a member of the American Psychological Association, National Academy of Neuropsychology, and International Neuropsychological Society. She regularly presents at conferences nationwide and provides training for school districts, parents, advocates, and nonprofit disability agencies. Dr. Simun conducts neuropsychological and psychoeducational assessments, provides expert witness and consultation services, conducts formal observations, and teaches psychoeducational assessment at the graduate level.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Know Your Rights Under Section 504 - 1 hour webinar with Denise Marshall, COPAA's CEO and Selene Almazan, COPAA's Legal Director
Know Your Rights Under Section 504 - 1 hour webinar with Denise Marshall, COPAA's CEO and Selene Almazan, COPAA's Legal Director
Contains 20 Component(s)
The Tips and Strategies on Managing the IEP Process Learning Path includes eight webinars listed below: * Special Education Eligibility Decision-Making for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (2024 conference) * What is Specially Designed Instruction? (2024 conference) * It's 10 p.m. Do You Know Where Your Children's Present Levels of Performance Are? Strategies for Organized, Effective IEP Advocacy (2024 conference) * Legal Empowerment in Practice: A strategy for Fostering Clients' Engagement, Self-efficacy, and Advocacy skills, in IEP Meetings and Beyond (2024 conference) * Tips I Wish I Knew Before I Became An Advocate (2024 conference) * IEP Tips & Strategies For Parents To Use Before, During & After IEP Meetings * I'm in the IEP Meeting, Now What? (2024 conference) * Consent: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (2024 conference)
The Tips and Strategies on Managing the IEP Process Learning Path includes eight webinars listed below:
* Special Education Eligibility Decision-Making for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (2024 conference)
* What is Specially Designed Instruction? (2024 conference)
* It's 10 p.m. Do You Know Where Your Children's Present Levels of Performance Are? Strategies for Organized, Effective IEP Advocacy (2024 conference)
* Legal Empowerment in Practice: A strategy for Fostering Clients' Engagement, Self-efficacy, and Advocacy skills, in IEP Meetings and Beyond (2024 conference)
* Tips I Wish I Knew Before I Became An Advocate (2024 conference)
* IEP Tips & Strategies For Parents To Use Before, During & After IEP Meetings (2024 conference)
* I'm in the IEP Meeting, Now What? (2024 conference)
* Consent: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (2024 conference)Dr. Brandi Tanner
Licensed Psychologist
Your IEP Source
Dr. Brandi Tanner is a Licensed Psychologist in the state of Georgia, Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP), and former special educator with two decades years of experience in her fields. After attending hundreds of IEP, 504, and Student Support Team (SST) meetings and witnessing the stress faced by overwhelmed parents, she founded Your IEP Source as a way to demystify the complexities of the IEP process and empower parent-advocates.
Dr. Tanner received degrees in elementary and special education from West Virginia University and was awarded her Ph.D. in School Psychology from the University of South Florida. She worked in the public school setting for several years, giving her insider knowledge of special education rules and procedures. With experience as an educator and psychologist, Dr. Tanner is highly qualified to provide interpretation of psychoeducation evaluations and as well as information on appropriate educational interventions and services. Along with Your IEP Source, Dr. Brandi runs a private psychology practice specializing in psychological evaluations for children and adolescent
Ashley Meier Barlow, Esq.
Owner, Attorney
Meier & Barlow Law Firm
Ashley Barlow’s passion for special education advocacy stems from her experiences as a general education teacher and from advocating for a more inclusive educational placement for her son, Jack, who has Down syndrome. She has attended and presented at many national conferences for special education attorneys and advocates, including the Institute of Special Education (faculty in 2020, 2021). She also holds a certificate of Training in Advocacy and is on the State Advisory Board for Exceptional Children in Kentucky.
Ashley owns a law firm, Meier & Barlow Law Firm, that focuses on special education and special needs estate planning, as well as an on-line business, Ashley Barlow Co., which was established to empower IEP team members via a podcast, on-line courses, many other resources. Prior to practicing law, Ashley was a teacher in Jefferson County and Cincinnati Public school systems and a professor at her alma mater, Miami University. Ashley attended Salmon P. Chase College of Law.When not working, Ashley is normally at the pool with her husband and two sons or grabbing a coffee in her 1975 Volkswagen bus.
Melissa K. Waugh, JD, MPH
Belkowitz Law, PLLC
Melissa K. Waugh (she/her/hers) is a skilled attorney in practice for over twenty years. She has practiced special education law for the last thirteen years. Melissa represents parents at IEP meetings, in mediation, with state and federal complaints, in due process hearings, and in federal and state litigation. Her representation includes matters arising under the IDEA, the ADA, Section 504, and Title IX. Melissa graduated cum laude from the University of North Texas with a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree with a focus in biology, chemistry, and physics. Melissa received her Juris Doctor degree, cum laude, from the University of Houston Law Center in 2000. While attending law school, Melissa served on the Houston Journal of International Law as Articles Editor, the Student Bar Association as 1st Vice President & Section Representative, the Honor Court as a Justice, the Health Law Organization, and the Public Interest Law Organization. She also won first place in the Tom Newhouse Mediation Competition. Melissa also holds a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Texas-Health Science Center. Melissa and her husband, Lt. Col. Bryan "Marty" Waugh (Ret.), are the parents of two amazing children who happen to have special needs. After adopting their children from foster care in 2010 and being exposed for the first time to special education and IEPs, Melissa quickly realized how complicated this area of the law is and the dire need for more attorneys representing the interests of parents of children with disabilities in our schools. Melissa started her own law firm to assist families of children with disabilities and has served as a Guardian ad Litem for children in court. She joined Belkowitz Law, PLLC in 2018. Melissa regularly presents to parent and professional groups and has served as faculty for COPAA, the Institute for Special Education Advocacy at William & Mary Law School, VPLC Annual Statewide Legal Aid Conference, the University of Richmond School of Law Special Education Symposium, and the National Business Institute. She is a long-time member of COPAA, and a member of the Special Education Advisory Committee (“SEAC”) for Loudoun County Public Schools. Melissa is licensed to practice law in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.
Amy Bonn, Esq.
COPAA Consulting Attorney
Amy Bonn Esq. is a Nebraska attorney providing legal representation to families of children with disabilities in special education matters. Amy is a summa cum laude graduate of Creighton University School of Law, where she was a member of the board of editors of the Creighton Law Review. She is licensed to practice in state and federal courts in Nebraska.
Amy is also a proud parent of children with developmental disabilities. She completed a ten-month traineeship in disability advocacy and leadership at the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities at the Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center, where her research focus was on parental advocacy in special education.
Luz Santana
Co-Founder and Co-Director of Democracy Building Programs
Right Question Intstitute
Luz Santana, is RQI’s co-founder and co-director of democracy-building programs. Luz helped develop the concept of Microdemocracy — the idea that low-income people can begin to participate in their ordinary encounters with public and publicly funded institutions. She is the co-author of Make Just One Change, published by Harvard Education Press in 2011, and Partnering with Parents. Luz has a B.A and M.A. from the Springfield College School of Human Services, and she was chosen as a Community Fellow at M.I.T. Luz is dedicated to finding the simplest ways to make it possible for all people to learn how to think and act more effectively on their own behalf. Her work is informed not only by her personal experience as a former welfare recipient, but also by lessons from people all over the country and beyond with whom RQI has worked for the past twenty years. In the course of her work, Santana has traveled the country as a presenter, facilitator, and keynote speaker — in English and Spanish. Within the past year she has spoken at the ASCD Empower Conference, the Los Angeles Unified School District’s 2018 Parent Summit, the Spring CUE 2018 National Conference, and Columbia University, among other engagements.
Naomi Campbell, Esq.
Director, Legal Empowerment Program
Right Question Institute
Naomi Campbell, Esq. is the director of the Legal Empowerment Program at the Right Question Institute (RQI). She supports legal professionals working in low-income communities, who use RQI's methods to help their clients feel greater self-efficacy and independence, partner more effectively with service providers, and advocate for themselves, in the legal system and beyond.
Prior to joining RQI, Naomi was a legal fellow with Centro de los Derechos del Migrante (CDM) in Mexico City, where she supported migrant workers in defending their rights as they moved between their home communities in Mexico and their places of work in the United States. She has also represented asylum-seekers and was a teaching assistant for cross-disciplinary negotiation and dispute resolution courses. She earned her J.D. cum laude from Harvard Law School and is a member of the New York Bar.
Kevin Reira
Program Coordinator, Legal Empowerment Program
The Right Question Institute
Kevin Riera is the program coordinator for RQI’s Legal Empowerment Program. He supports the Legal Empowerment Program through outreach and by helping bring RQI’s methods and strategies to various members of the legal community. Kevin graduated from Stanford University with a bachelor’s degree, with honors, in anthropology. His honors thesis focused on linguistic anthropology — pursuing a better understanding of the lived experiences of Ecuadorian migrants in Minneapolis in relation to race and ethnicity. During his undergraduate career, Kevin was involved in a variety of organizations, including the Student Immigrant Empowerment Project. He has also spent time in Ecuador and Colombia for teaching fellowships, where he gained an appreciation for teaching and education. Prior to joining RQI, he worked as a research associate at Thomson Reuters, where he handled due diligence and document retrieval requests for numerous firms and businesses.
David Beinke
Director Of Community Development & Education at Cirkiel Law
David Beinke, former Director of Advocacy with the Cirkiel Law Group from 97-2021, now Advocate Nomad, provides a unique brand of support for children with disabilities and fellow advocates in their educational and community environment in the state of Texas and beyond in his “ Hotel Prius” After serving in the Marines, his career path started when he began working at Denton State School in 1977 in the Texas mental health/intellectual disability system.
David helps families in all areas of IDEA, as well as entitlement and benefits such as State VR, SSA, Medicaid Waiver Program, etc. As a musician, he frequents the various summer musical venues in the Central Texas area as a drummer. He is a long-time COPAA member, co-chair of the COPAA Advocate Committee, TOPAA Board member, and former COPAA Board of Directors sitting member.
Charmaine Thaner
Collaborative Special Education Advocacy
Charmaine Thaner has been called a change–maker by parents, teachers, administrators, and students. Her 30+ years of advocacy have changed her son, Dylan’s life, and hundreds of students with disabilities so they may have richer, more inclusive lives. She was a special educator for 15 years, then became a general educator for 15 years, and throughout her teaching career, she was committed to including traditionally marginalized students.
After retiring as a teacher, she was the Education Specialist at PEAK Parent Center and an adjunct special education instructor at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Charmaine has presented at national conferences for TASH, CADRE, ARC, and the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities. Charmaine is the author of the #1 Amazon Best Selling book, The Art of Advocacy: A Parent’s Guide to a Collaborative IEP Process. She writes, produces, and hosts the Facebook live show, The Art of Advocacy.
Missy Alexander
Director of Education, Parents' Place Maryland and COPAA Board Member
Parents' Place Maryland and COPAA Board Member
Missy Alexander is the Director of Education at The Parents’ Place of Maryland, has been with the organization since 2002. She is the mother of an adult daughter with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, who was educated in the St. Mary’s County Public Schools for her entire academic career. She is the Co-Chair of the St. Mary’s County Local Management Board, serving as a community member. She is an active member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA), serving on its Board of Directors where she was the first advocate to serve as Board Chair. Missy’s approach in working with families is driven by the firm belief that parents are the best advocates for their children, and she provides them with the information, support and encouragement to empower them to do so.
Christa Gabriel
Special Education Advocate
Disability Rights Montana
Christa Gabriel is a dedicated Special Education Advocate with over a decade of experience advocating for youth with disabilities and their families. Currently serving as an Education Advocate at Disability Rights Montana, Christa is committed to empowering students with disabilities across Montana. She has a successful track record of advocacy within IEP meetings, effectively resolving disputes between parents and school districts while ensuring the rights of students with disabilities are both protected and enhanced. Christa is a firm believer in equipping and empowering students and families with the necessary information and tools to navigate immediate conflicts and foster lasting self-advocacy into adulthood and community living.
Tal Goldin, Esq.
Director of Advocacy
Disability Rights Montana
Tal Goldin is a Helena, MT, based civil rights attorney. He is the Supervising Attorney for Education, Employment, and Benefits at Disability Rights Montana, the State’s Protection and Advocacy organization. Tal is the former Director of Advocacy at Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA), where he co-lead a team of over 25 public interest lawyers addressing the civil legal needs of low-income Montanans. Prior to his work at MLSA, Tal was the Supervising Attorney for the Education Unit at Disability Rights Montana. Tal has taught Special Education Law, Policy, and Practice at the University of Montana, Phyllis J. Washington College of Education and Human Sciences, served as an adjunct professor at the University of Montana School of Law, and presented throughout Montana and nationally on the civil rights of students with disabilities. He is a member of COPAA’s Board of Directors, co-chairs COPAA’s membership committee, and serves on the amicus committee. Tal is admitted to practice law before Montana state and federal courts, Washington state courts, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. He is a member of the Order of Barristers, the American Association for Justice, and the Montana Trial Lawyers’ Association.
Tal lives in Helena, MT with his wife, a licensed clinical social work and Board Certified Behavior Analyst, their two kids, a Saint Bernard, and her unwitting companion, a brown tabby cat. In his spare time, Tal enjoys fly fishing Montana’s many trout streams and exploring its natural beauties.
Michelle Weltman, Esq.
Attorney and Social Worker
Disability Rights Montana
Michelle Weltman is a lawyer and social worker and has been an advocate for education access issues in Montana, Missouri, and Illinois for the better part of ten years. In 2022, she joined Disability Rights Montana, as an attorney on the education team. Michelle has dedicated her career to individuals with the greatest need and least access to legal representation. She has focused her advocacy on education rights, domestic violence, and other civil rights issues. Previous to DRM, she worked at Legal Services of Eastern Missouri and Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation (SO IL), on matters of special education, residency, discipline, homelessness, and efforts to disrupt the ‘school to prison pipeline.’ She has presented on educational access issues to groups varying from the National Legal Aid and Defender’s (NLADA) Conference, to a state-wide conference of legal aid service providers, to a cohort of homeless mothers staying in a shelter. Michelle taught the how-to’s of IEP meetings to Missouri’s state-wide CASA conference participants offering multiple sessions reaching over 150 people.
Michelle relocated to Missoula, MT, in 2021 and hasn’t looked back. She received her JD and masters in Social Work (MSW) from Washington University in St. Louis, along with a BS in Business Administration, Marketing.
Sara D. Platenburg
Advocate & Educational Consultant
Educational Advocacy and Consulting, LLC
Sara D. Platenburg (she/her/hers) is a Special Education Advocate (non-attorney) assisting families with the special education process, across multiple states. Sara assists families through all aspects of the special education process including eligibility, IEP development, implementation and progress monitoring, state and federal complaints, and in mediation. Sara Platenberg graduated from Illinois State with a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice Sciences with a focus in Sociology and Juvenile Justice. Sara received her Masters Degree in Education with a focus in Gifted and Talented and Twice Exceptional Populations. She served the public school system in Virginia as a Gifted and Talented Specialist where she focused on Twice Exceptionality and meeting the needs of 2E (twice-exceptional) students while utilizing researched based inclusion strategies. Sara is a mother of three boys, all of which have special needs, including two who also have Type 1 Diabetes. Her years and experience as an educator and experience implementing strategies to meet the needs of students with learning differences, helped support Sara’s journey as a new parent when she began navigating the public school special education system on a personal level. During her first eligibility meeting as a parent, Sara immediately realized the complexities of the special education process for parents and the critical need for advocacy on behalf of parents and students with health and special education needs in the public school system. In 2012, Sara joined Educational Advocacy and Consulting, LLC. Sara presents to parent and professional groups and is an expert witness for special education cases. She is a member of the Council of Parents, Attorneys, and Advocates, the National Association for Gifted Children, and a member of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) for Loudoun County Public Schools. Educational Advocacy and Consulting and The Dyslexia Center assist families with Advocacy and Consulting, Assessments, and Tutoring across a multitude of states. Sara advocates for students in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, North Carolina, New York, and Illinois.
Shemica Allen
COPAA Instructor and TA, Special Education Advocate
Personalized Learning Solutions and COPAA
Shemica is an instructor for COPAA's SEAT 1.0, SEAT 2.0, The Business of Special Education Advocacy, and also works as a TA. She is also the founder of a Special Education advocacy business called Personalized Learning Solutions. Shemica began her teaching career in 2000 teaching cardiac education classes in two cardiac rehabilitation programs in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. She kept advancing her career in the area of Special Education after she received her Principal certification and later gained experience as a Lead Case Manager/Response to Intervention Coordinator at a middle school in Crowley ISD, Special Education Team Lead at a high school in McKinney ISD, and Vocational Adjustment Coordinator in Garland ISD. She also has experience as a Content Mastery Teacher, Homebound Teacher, and In Home Trainer. Shemica has completed the Special Education Advocate Training (SEAT) 2.0 training through the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) which is a nationally developed and recognized year-long course that will help her better serve current and future clients. She has attended hundreds of ARD/IEP, 504, and Student Support Team (SST) meetings. Shemica also has extensive training in facilitating Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD)/IEP committee meetings which requires effective communication, problem solving, decision making, and conflict resolution.
Contains 18 Component(s)
COPAA's attorney tool kit is a series of white papers and slide decks on hot topics such as attorney fees, trail tactics, mediation, pre-hearing preparation, stay put, expedited due process, issue spotting, IEEs, compensatory education, settlement agreements, Section 504, Endrew F Standard, practical implications of the Perez case, and also features an eligibility checklist. It includes 11 white papers, four slide decks, and one checklist.
COPAA's attorney tool kit is a series of white papers and slide decks on hot topics such as attorney fees, trail tactics, mediation, pre-hearing preparation, stay put, expedited due process, issue spotting, IEEs, compensatory education, settlement agreements, Section 504, Endrew F Standard, practical implications of the Perez case, and also features an eligibility checklist. It includes 11 white papers, four slide decks, and one checklist.
Selene Almazan, Esq.
Legal Director
Selene Almazan, Esq. (MD) has been a member of COPAA since its inception in 1998. Selene was on the Board of Directors from 2003-2014. She has represented students and families for nearly 30 years. Selene is a former Supervising Attorney for the Legal Aid Bureau of Maryland where she represented children in the foster care system, including representation in special education matters. For nearly 23 years, Selene represented parents in special education matters with a primary focus on least restrictive environment (LRE) issues at the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education. Since September 2014, Selene has been the Legal Director for the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) where she supports the work of the Amicus Committee as well as works on federal and local policy issues. Since May 2015 Selene maintains a private practice focusing on parent and student representation in special education matters, including LRE. She represents families at IEP team meetings, state complaint proceedings, mediations, due process hearings, suspension/expulsion proceedings and federal court proceedings, including matters involving violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. She has extensive experience training families, teachers, school administrators, attorneys and advocates on legal issues related to special education law as well as disability discrimination issues.
Ellen Saideman, Esq.
COPAA Board of Directors & Law Office of Ellen Saideman
COPAA Board of Directors & Law Office of Ellen Saideman
Ellen has more than thirty years of experience with litigation and legal writing, both as an attorney and as a professor of legal writing. She is admitted to the bar in Florida, Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island, as well as six federal district and circuit courts. She has worked as a civil rights and disability rights attorney since 1986 when she joined the New York City Commission on Human Rights. She served as Deputy Director and then Director of the Equal Employment and Public Accommodation Division, where she oversaw the intake and investigation of discrimination complaints. She then joined New York Lawyers for the Public Interest as a staff attorney in its disability rights unit. Her work there included Burr v. Sobol, which established compensatory education as a remedy for special education and also attorneys’ fees for administrative hearings under IDEA. When NYLPI established its Disability Law Center, Ellen became Director. Under her leadership, NYLPI filed four of the first ADA Title II complaints with the U.S. Department of Justice, including a case that resulted in making the Empire State Building’s observation deck accessible. In Florida, she worked for Legal Services for Greater Miami for a year and then worked for the Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities (now Disability Rights Florida). There, her work included special education cases as well as class action lawsuits, including Prado-Steiman v. Bush, which resulted in a settlement that required Florida’s Medicaid program to improve and expand its Home and Community based Waiver program for people with developmental disabilities. After moving to Rhode Island, she taught legal writing at Roger Williams University School of Law and now has a private practice that includes special education. She often works with the American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island, the Disability Law Center of Massachusetts, Rhode Island Legal Services, and the Rhode Island Disability Law Center, both on individual cases and on systemic law reform work including special education. Ellen is a member of the COPAA amicus committee and has co-authored many amicus briefs for COPAA
Andrew Feinstein, Esq.
Attorney & COPAA Board Member
Feinstein Education Law Group & COPAA
Andrew Feinstein, Esq. (Connecticut) - Andrew has represented children with disabilities as an attorney for the past 20 years. For the past eight years, he has practiced out of Mystic, Connecticut. He now has an office in Manchester, Connecticut, as well, with two lawyers in it. He co-chairs the Governmental Affairs Committee of COPAA and is an adjunct professor in the School of Education of both Central Connecticut State University and Southern Connecticut State University. Attorney Feinstein was graduated from Wesleyan University in 1972 and the New York University School of Law in 1975. He completed the Senior Manager in Government Program at the Kennedy School, Harvard University, in 1983. He has served as a professional staff member of the House Committee on Armed Services and Chief Counsel of the House Civil Service Subcommittee.
Michele Scavongelli, Esq.
Senior Counsel
Committee for Public Counsel Services
Ms. Scavongelli is a a staff attorney and has been with the EdLaw since 2012 when she joined the project as an Equal Justice Works Fellow. Ms. Scavongelli graduated Northeastern University School of Law. A recipient of a Rappaport Fellowship at the Massachusetts Office of the Child Advocate and a recipient of a Hennessy Fellowship at the Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee, Ms. Scavongelli brings a wide range of experience to the Project. In addition to serving EdLaw, Ms. Scavongelli is on the board of Bottom Line, an organization that is dedicated to helping disadvantaged students get into college and on the board of CASA, an organization that recruits, trains and supports volunteers who advocate for abused and neglected children before the Suffolk County.
Sarah Zuba, Esq.
Reisman Carolla Gran & Zuba LLP
Sarah is a partner in Reisman Carolla Gran & Zuba LLP. Sarah brings experience in both complex civil litigation and education to her advocacy on behalf of individuals with disabilities and their families. Before joining RCGZ, Sarah worked in the Special Education practice group at a mid-sized law firm and at a business litigation firm in Philadelphia where she developed sophisticated negotiation, counseling, and dispute resolution skills. She now concentrates her practice on vindicating the rights of students in schools, especially students with disabilities, and on related efforts to obtain appropriate services and supports for individuals with disabilities in the community. Sarah assists individuals in supporting their adult children, relatives, and friends through guardianship, powers of attorney and other legal relationships, as appropriate. Sarah represents parents in New Jersey and Pennsylvania mediations and due process hearings, original actions and appeals in the United States district courts, and appeals and arguments before the Third Circuit.
Before practicing law, Sarah taught students of all ages in a wide range of classrooms, from students entitled to special education in an urban public school to general education students at an independent day school. As an attorney, she has broadened her understanding of the needs of her clients by obtaining additional education training, including intensive training in the Orton-Gillingham approach to reading instruction.
Professional and Community Associations
Sarah is an active member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (“COPAA”), a national independent, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization of attorneys, advocates and parents. She enjoys sharing her knowledge of special education law through speaking engagements, both locally and nationally, with parents, attorneys and education professionals. Sarah has led many full-day pre-conference programs and breakout sessions at Council of Parent Attorney and Advocates Conference, spoken at Lehigh’s Special Education Law Conference and Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s Exceptional Children Conference and gathered for personal conversations with local parent groups.Sarah’s additional public service focuses on the well-being of women, children, and those who may be marginalized in the community. In 2020, along with other dedicated volunteers, she worked with municipal leaders to found the Township of Harrison Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Advisory Board, providing guidance to the Township on related issues and spearheading initiatives to make the town a more welcoming, safe, inclusive place to live, work and visit. Before that, for more than fifteen years, Sarah served on the boards of Community Treatment Solutions and Legacy Treatment Services, nonprofit mental and behavioral health providers for youth and adults throughout the community. She has been a Girl Scout troop leader and girls’ youth soccer coach, and she served as President of the Board of the Mullica Hill Women’s Triathlon Club.
Admitted to Practice
Sarah is admitted to practice in New Jersey and Pennsylvania and before the United States Courts of Appeals for the Third Circuit and the United States District Courts for the Eastern and Middle Districts of Pennsylvania and the District of New Jersey.Education
Sarah received her J.D. degree from Yale Law School in 2002 where she was Editor-in-Chief of the Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities, President of The Initiative for Public Interest Law at Yale, and Director of the TRO Project for Battered Women. She earned a B.A. degree summa cum laude in the Honors Program at The College of New Jersey in 1999, where she majored in English and minored in Psychology, with studies in Elementary Education.Michael J. Eig, Esq.
Attorney and Founder
Michael J. Eig and Associates
Michael J. Eig, the founder and owner of the firm, Michael J. Eig and Associates, has been practicing special education law and advocacy in the metropolitan D.C. area since 1975. His educational background includes degrees in cultural anthropology and education from Brandeis University (1970), a Masters in Education and Social Policy from Harvard University (1972), and a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center (1975).
A former public school teacher, Mr. Eig has combined his interest and training in education with a commitment to special education law, and advocated on behalf of disabled children and their families for the past forty-eight years. He has served as counsel and/or amicus in special education cases before federal courts, including the Supreme Court. He was counsel in Schaffer v. Weast, before the Supreme Court, class counsel in the landmark Mills v. D.C. Board of Education, amicus in Smith v. Robinson and North v. D.C., and served as plaintiffs' counsel in Doyle v. Arlington School Board. He has participated in countless IEP meetings and Due Process Hearings since the 1970s and has lectured and written extensively in the area of special education law, including authoring the current article on Education of the Disabled in the Dictionary of American History.
Rich Weinfeld
Executive Director
Weinfeld Education Group
Rich Weinfeld is Executive Director of Weinfeld Education Group, WEG. www.weinfeldeducationgroup.com, a group of special education consultants, dedicated to helping all students reach their potential. For the past 20 years, Rich has directed the work of WEG, and served as an expert witness and advocate for appropriate services for students with special needs throughout the United States.
Rich began his career teaching elementary school and then spent 14 years working with emotionally disturbed students, and 6 years directing a program for students with learning disabilities, physical challenges, and autism spectrum disorders. His career in public school education culminated with 6 years as the director of programs for gifted students with disabilities.
Rich has co-authored 6 books and many articles on a variety of special needs topics, including “Smart Kids with Learning Difficulties” and “School Success for Kids with High Functioning Autism”; taught a course on Gifted Students with Disabilities at Johns Hopkins; created and taught a course on advocacy; and provided training for a wide variety of professionals and parent groups.Paula A. Rosenstock, Esq.
Michael J. Eig and Associates
Paula A. Rosenstock holds a B.A. in psychology from Tufts University, magna cum laude, and a J.D. from The George Washington University Law School. She was admitted to the Virginia Bar in 2003, the District of Columbia Bar in 2005 and the Maryland Bar in 2014.
Ms. Rosenstock has spent nearly her entire legal career practicing special education law in the Washington D.C. area. She provides support and guidance to parents seeking to secure appropriate educational services for their children through the IEP process, administrative due process appeals and in federal court. Prior to law school, she worked in several schools and programs for children with disabilities.
Meghan M. Probert, Esq
Michael J. Eig and Associates
Meghan M. Probert holds a B.A. in History and Spanish from Saint Michael’s College, cum laude, and a J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. She is a member of the District of Columbia Bar. She has worked in special education law since 2012, providing support and guidance to parents seeking to secure appropriate educational services for their children through the IEP process, administrative due process appeals and in federal court.
Ms. Probert has a longstanding passion for working with children and adults with disabilities. She served as President of the St. Michael's chapter of Best Buddies, an organization creating opportunities for one-to-one friendships for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as engaged with representatives from around the country at the Best Buddies National Leadership Conference in 2003.
Amy Langerman
Amy Langerman, P.C. and COPAA
Amy Langerman is a licensed attorney in the State of Arizona and a special education consultant in San Diego County, California. She is also a parent of a child with special needs. Amy's unique collaborative style working with IEP teams in California often results in parents, teachers and administrators leaving the room saying “That was the best IEP meeting I have ever attended”.
Amy graduated with honors from the Arizona State University College of Law and worked for 20 years as a civil litigation attorney, handling complex medical malpractice, employment discrimination and insurance cases. Amy served as president of the Arizona Trial Lawyers association and headed its amicus curiae (friend of the court) committee for 20 years.
Roy T. Atwood, Esq.
Atwood Gameros LLP
Roy Atwood is an experienced and successful trial attorney. Roy spent many years with large regional and international law firms, including 14 years as a Trial Practice Partner at Jones Day, one of the largest law firms in the world. In 2013, Roy took early retirement from Jones Day and opened the firm of Atwood Gameros LLP.
This move to his own firm allowed Roy the opportunity to pursue a passion he has had for many years of representing families of students with special needs in securing their rights to a free and appropriate education. As the parent of a son with special needs, Roy knows how intimidating the process can be of obtaining the educational opportunities students with special needs require. Now, he brings his expertise as a trial lawyer and first-hand knowledge of the special needs of students with disabilities to the service of those who are not receiving the services to which they are entitled. Since beginning his special education practice, Roy has participated in two Fifth Circuit appeals and one Seventh Circuit appeal, including two in which the primary issue was attorneys’ fees.
Roy has been recognized as a Best Lawyer in Dallas by D Magazine and as a Texas
SuperLawyer each year since 2009 and as a Best Lawyer in America each year since 2014. U.S. News and World Report has recognized Atwood Gameros, LLP as a Best Law Firm each year since 2014.Jonathan S. Corchnoy, Esq.
The Law Offices Of Jonathan S. Corchnoy
Jonathan S. Corchnoy has been practicing law for over 37 years in the Philadelphia metropolitan area and now has opened an office in Sarasota, Florida. He is licensed to practice law in Florida, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, is a member of The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA). Prior to coming to the Philadelphia area after graduating from law school, he clerked with the United States Department of Justice, Tax division. He is a 1981 graduate of American University’s Washington College of Law in Washington, D.C., and Allegheny College, in Meadville, PA. He spent his youth growing up in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
He is active in special education, personal injury, and elder law issues. He has had both six and seven figure verdicts. He has successfully litigated special education Due Process hearings, Incapacity hearings, and insurance disputes regarding a variety of issues. He has been involved in appellate litigation before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and the U. S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals.
He is active in helping parents of special needs children receive a free and appropriate public education as well as plan for their future personal and financial independence. He currently is a member of the Legal Services for Exceptional Children Committee of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and the School Law Committee of the New Jersey Bar Association. He helps teach professional continuing education courses for Lorman Education Services. He is a volunteer AARP Driver Safety Instructor. He is the father of a gifted child and a special needs child.
He also is involved in helping middle income clients develop affordable estate plans so that they may maintain their independence.
Dorene Jackson Philpot
Philpot Law Office PLLC
Dorene Jackson Philpot of Philpot Law Office PLLC practices in Michigan, Indiana, and Texas, in the area of: Special Education Law, representing children with special needs and their parents.
Ms. Philpot is the recipient of the national 2012 Diane Lipton Award for Outstanding Educational Advocacy from COPAA (Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates). She is the author of "Do-It-Yourself Special Education Due Process: An Educational Guide" which is available at www.learningenabledpublications.com. She is admitted to the federal courts in the Northern and Southern Districts of Indiana and the Northern, Eastern, Southern and Western Districts of Texas. She is also admitted to the Western District of Michigan.Lindsay Appell
Staff Attorney
Disability Rights California’s Youth Practice Group
Lindsay Appell is a Staff Attorney in Disability Rights California’s Youth Practice Group. Lindsay provides legal representation to students with disabilities fighting school pushout and the school-to-prison pipeline. She has represented many students in expedited due process proceedings to successfully drop expulsion proceedings. She also shares tools with students and families to empower them as self-advocates in the special education system.
Chelsea Helena
Associate Supervising Attorney, Education Rights Practice
Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County
Chelsea Helena is the Associate Supervising Attorney in Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County’s Education Rights Practice. Her work focuses on representing students and families in discipline, policing, and special education matters in Antelope Valley schools. Prior to becoming an attorney, she worked for five years as a public-school teacher in Atlanta, Georgia and got her master’s degree in early childhood education.
Melissa K. Waugh, JD, MPH
Belkowitz Law, PLLC
Melissa K. Waugh (she/her/hers) is a skilled attorney in practice for over twenty years. She has practiced special education law for the last thirteen years. Melissa represents parents at IEP meetings, in mediation, with state and federal complaints, in due process hearings, and in federal and state litigation. Her representation includes matters arising under the IDEA, the ADA, Section 504, and Title IX. Melissa graduated cum laude from the University of North Texas with a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree with a focus in biology, chemistry, and physics. Melissa received her Juris Doctor degree, cum laude, from the University of Houston Law Center in 2000. While attending law school, Melissa served on the Houston Journal of International Law as Articles Editor, the Student Bar Association as 1st Vice President & Section Representative, the Honor Court as a Justice, the Health Law Organization, and the Public Interest Law Organization. She also won first place in the Tom Newhouse Mediation Competition. Melissa also holds a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Texas-Health Science Center. Melissa and her husband, Lt. Col. Bryan "Marty" Waugh (Ret.), are the parents of two amazing children who happen to have special needs. After adopting their children from foster care in 2010 and being exposed for the first time to special education and IEPs, Melissa quickly realized how complicated this area of the law is and the dire need for more attorneys representing the interests of parents of children with disabilities in our schools. Melissa started her own law firm to assist families of children with disabilities and has served as a Guardian ad Litem for children in court. She joined Belkowitz Law, PLLC in 2018. Melissa regularly presents to parent and professional groups and has served as faculty for COPAA, the Institute for Special Education Advocacy at William & Mary Law School, VPLC Annual Statewide Legal Aid Conference, the University of Richmond School of Law Special Education Symposium, and the National Business Institute. She is a long-time member of COPAA, and a member of the Special Education Advisory Committee (“SEAC”) for Loudoun County Public Schools. Melissa is licensed to practice law in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.
Jennifer Laviano, Esq.
COPAA Board Member & Attorney
COPAA and L aviano And Gagne Attorneys At Law
Jennifer D. Laviano, (CT) holds a B.A. in English Literature from Skidmore College and earned her J.D., cum laude, from Quinnipiac University School of Law. Jennifer Laviano is an attorney in private practice in Connecticut who focuses on the representation of children and adolescents under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Her representation includes attendance at IEP team meetings and mediation and zealous advocacy in litigation in due process hearings and federal court. Attorney Laviano is a regular presenter, locally and nationally, on the Civil Rights of students with disabilities, and is the co-author of the popular book, Your Special Education Rights: What Your School District Isn't Telling You.
Craig Goodmark, Esq.
Attorney and COPAA Board Member
Goodmark Law Firm & COPAA
Since 1999, Mr. Goodmark has dedicated a majority of his practice to representing families, teachers and students in their pursuit of equality, fairness and justice in Georgia’s schools. Mr. Goodmark provides full service legal representation in all types of education law proceedings ranging from appearances at educational planning meetings to representing clients in complex federal litigation.
In addition, Mr. Goodmark works with a variety of stakeholders to ensure that students with disabilities in the most vulnerable circumstances, including court involved youth and those with mental illness or developmental disabilities, received their federally mandated right to free, appropriate public education. Working within the educational, juvenile justice and child welfare systems, Mr. Goodmark has presented to a multitude of stakeholders about the impact of the state and federal education laws on Georgia’s youth with disabilities.
Mr. Goodmark also commits a portion of his practice to securing and enforcing the constitutional rights of Georgia’s citizens. Mr. Goodmark has represented and secured positive outcomes for many clients seeking relief for the unlawful intrusion on their constitutionally guaranteed civil rights. From students unlawfully detained while at school, to teachers illegally terminated after exercising their First Amendment rights to freedom of speech, Mr. Goodmark has worked to ensure access to justice through the both state and the federal court system.
• Education Law Attorney• Represents Families, Teachers and Students with Disabilities• Focus on Special Education Matters in Georgia• Constitutional/Civil Rights Practice for Georgia’s citizens• Student/Educator First Amendment Claims• Fourth Amendment Search/Seizure Claims• Open Records/Open Meetings Act Issues